AUSome Austin

It’s been a month since I moved to Austin, Texas and I bet you’re wondering what I’ve been up to.

Here’s the run down.

I’ve met some super cool people, caught up with college friends, overcome my spicy salsa complex and started a new J.O.B. #adult.


Lots of exploring has happened, but not a lot of unpacking. I still have boxes piled up in the closet. But life is all about give and take, right?

Moving to a new city is tough — you don’t know the area, you don’t know the people, the closest Mexican restaurant doesn’t know your order — but those are also the best and most exciting parts.

Having friends three hours away, helps to make the transition easier though.

This is Emily! She lives in Dallas.


Being the fabulous hostess she is, she treated me to the chic social scene of Uptown Dallas. We started at the Katy Trail Ice House where we munched on queso that MUST have been sent from heaven. It was so good! She introduced me to Revolver Blood & Honey — I can always trust her to show me the best brews —and yummy sliders, which of course had avocado on them.

Not long after moving in, the rents popped in to town. We read with LBJ at his library, ate our weight in tacos and barbecue and played a little Chicken Shit Bingo — which I should’ve won, but that’s another story for another day. No, I’m not the least bit bitter. And yes, it’s exactly what you’re thinking. You get in line, get a number and stand around waiting — hoping — this chicken drops on one your number.

Did you know that austin has the largest bat colony in North America? It’s true, and kind of creepy. Thousands of them live under the Ann W. Richards Congress Avenue Bridge and fly out at night.

The summer exploration doesn’t end with bats.

The live music capital of the world didn’t disappoint with its summer concert series, Blues on the Green. Hayes Carll is truly a drunken poets dream.

And the farmer’s markets are plentiful! We visited the Sustainable Food Center Farmer’s Market — the largest in Texas — just this morning. It was surprisingly small, but they did have some pretty cool produce!

Well I guess ginger beer isn’t produce, but it was made from all organic ingredients that include produce so I’d say that’s close enough. It was like a sassy lemonade — super crisp and strangely refreshing. I’ve also never seen so many peppers in one place, well maybe at the grocery store, but just work with me here. The young woman at the stand did warn me that if I touched them “I’d need to wash my hands before I touch my face.” Talk about a pepper that will burn your face off…

Among the produce were graffiti eggplants, beets playing peek-a-boo and an abundance of melons. We opted for peaches and carrots.

As a southern gal, I know hospitality. And this city is definitely not lacking. Everyone I’ve met has been so inclusive, welcoming and kind. Someone even offered pump-up my tire when I got a flat two weeks ago. Even the walls in this city exude hospitality.

Jeremiah the Innocent: 408 West 21st Street

It’s been one action-packed month, but it’s really starting to feel like home around here. I’m so excited what else this AUSsome city has to offer. What are some of your favorite things to do in Austin?

Until next time, stay weird.

AUSome Austin